Mission Statement

We empower individuals to take control of their health, with emphasis on prevention, by providing up-to-date information and support – from whole food nutrition to holistic healings.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” ~Hippocrates

Congratulations to our Wellness Plus Family!

Wellness Plus Delaware

THE best of HOLISTIC MEDICINE PRACTITIONERS in Wilmington, Delaware in 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024!

Presented by Wilmington Award Program

About Wilmington Business Hall of Fame Award

Wellness Plus Delaware is among a very small group of companies that have won the Best of Wilmington Award for three consecutive years. This distinction has qualified Wellness Plus Delaware for the 2023 Wilmington Business Hall of Fame. To commerorate your inclusion in this elite group an exclusive Hall of Fame Award, available only to Hall of Fame inductees, has been created.

About Wellness Plus

Our mission is to empower individuals to take control of their health, with emphasis on prevention, by providing up-to-date information and support – from whole food nutrition to holistic healings.

We believe in whole food. As Hippocrates stated, “food should be your medicine and the medicine should be food, and to be a medicine, first, it has to do no harm.”

Wellness Plus is 100% supported by member’s dues and by their purchases in our “Store of Mother Earth.” We have not, do not and will not accept any donations from drug or food manufacturers even though we operate on a not-for-profit basis. Therefore, you can trust the information we provide because we are a totally independent organization.

For individuals and families, we provide weekly classes, seminars, workshops and cooking demonstrations. We also provide various holistic healings (see member’s benefit list) at discount prices. We have personal and group training programs in our center, as well as house call services. We also carry unusual and hard to find natural foods and supplies in our store.

For natural healing practitioners, we have referral services, free corporate health fair booths to promote your business, treatment room rent starting at $200/month for one day per week, matching funds for advertising and more. Ask about our “Partner in Health” program.

March’s Activities Schedule

  • Thursday February 13, 20, 27

At 6:30 pm: Exercise with Zoltan — Our fitness director Zoltan Hall returns for special exercise sessions combined with the levity that only he can provide!   Come prepared to exercise, laugh and learn about your muscles and bones.  Bring leg weights or a stretchy band.

At 7:30 pm:  Natural Healing Workshop — The focus will be pure healing essential oils that are safe, have a great aroma, versatile and may help with many symptoms and to ease aches and pains.  What are they?  How do I use them?  To find the answers and learn more about these wonderful natural remedies come and visit us at our workshops.

  • Monday, March 3 at 6:30 pm “Exercise and Member’s Forum”

Fitness director Zoltan Hall will be leading us through our exercises tonight, strength and stretch!  NEW! Bring leg weights!  Then, come to the Members’ Forum at 7:30 PM–Bring your requests, ideas & questions.  We will listen to you & work together to make the Wellness Plus program even better.  Everyone who comes will get 5% off our entire store.

  • Monday, March 10 at 6:30 pm “Annual Green Tea Event”

  • Monday, March 17 at 6:30 pm “Why Plant Protein”

There are numerous studies that have shown the benefit of plant protein in reversing and preventing disease and successful aging, as well as many that show the detriment of eating animal protein. Most of us grew up with a piece of chicken or cow as the main course, 3 times a day. It takes a lot of information and perhaps a gradual change to break from that cultural habit. Some folks switch due to caring about the animals and others to save the health of the planet. Maybe consider saving your health!.

  • Monday, March 24 at 6:30 pm “Party Time with Plant Based Protein”

Share your favorite plant based food, bring a snack and the recipe for us all to enjoy. Let us see how delicious our plant based food can be. If you do not know what to do here are some ideas: vegan pepperoni, plant based/ meatless flavored chicken, fish and pork at Wegman’s, edamame, tofurkey slices, peanut butter in celery sticks, air popped popcorn, pistachios, roasted chickpeas hummus & veggie chips.

  • Monday, March 31 at 6:30 pm “Sharing Our Challenges and Successes on our path to Health”

From the College of lifestyle Medicine – A successful healthy life is based on 6 ways to take control of your healthy. 1. Whole food Plant Based Diet 2. Physical activity 3. Stress Management 4. Avoid risky stuff like tobacco and alcohol 5. Sleep and 6. Positive Social Connection and relationships affect our physical, mental and emotional healthy and can help reinforce healthy behaviors.  This last topic is why we will gather this night to share our stories, socialize, get to know one another better and have some fun!

Delaware Bead Society Meeting

Bead store hours: 3-5 pm on Saturday, March 22.  All beads and jewelry will be buy on get one free!.   

Saturday, March 22 at 2:30 pm “Grow Smarter Like a Honeybee – Necklace and Earring Set”

Free bag of beads for everyone who shows up! No purchase or class participation necessary!  Just coming to say “Hi” is enough.

Did you know that honeybees are profoundly smart, have distinct personalities, can recognize flowers and human faces, exhibit basic emotions, and can even use simple tools and solve problems?  Let us have a honeybee live with us by creating this all-natural wired honeybee jewelry set in this class. You will use genuine honey jade and natural amber beads with black and gold seed beads. You will get step-by-step professional instructions to achieve your desired result even though it looks like a rather complicated project. You WILL be able to have a lovely smart honeybee jewelry set to take home!

  • $12 – class fee if paid in advance $19– class fee at door.
  • Kits can be purchased at $19.99 each if paid in advance and $27 each at the door.
  • To register: call: 302-478-3782 or e-mail:  cj.powley@verizon.net..
  • Directions- https://www.facebook.com/100063917499054/posts/723790149761562/

General Information about event registration

Reservation required for all events.  Call 302-478-3782 or email cj.powley@verizon.net.  All programs begin at 6:30 pm unless otherwise noted.  Registration is required – $20 per person ($15 if paid in advance), members free.  We now accept Visa, Master Card, Discover, and American Express.

Wellness Plus Center & Voice Mail: 302-478-7723
Mailing & brochure inquiries:  Judy (302) 656-0409
Membership, products and all other inquiries: Jane 302-478-3782

Directions: We are located in the Talleyville Shopping Center at Route 202 (Concord Pike) and Silverside Road. The entrance door with the Wellness Plus sign is located between Great Stuff and Good Ease. PNC Bank will be on your left and Dollar Tree will be on your right. Go up the stairs and we are the last suite on the left on the second floor.

Event Registration & Tickets

Use the form below to register for event or class and then make payment.

Green tea compounds block key enzyme that allows coronavirus to replicate

A study published in the journal Frontiers in Plant Science shows that chemical compounds in green tea and other plant-based foods can block the activity of a key enzyme in the replication of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19.


Wondrous Benefits of Green Tea

Unlike most antiviral drugs, green tea appears to work by boosting the immune system to combat diseases such as genital warts (caused by HPV) and the flu (caused by the influenza virus).


Learn about Wellness Plus’ edible New Spring™ Green Tea

Start Your Day With Our Breakfast Shake!

The Wellness Plus breakfast recipe is the perfect choice for a nutrient-dense meal in the morning. We encourage you to step outside your comfort zone. Enjoy this breakfast shake which will nourish and heal instead of just getting you to the next meal. If you cannot purchase any of the ingredients locally, contact us at 302-478-3782. To view recipe, click here.

The Wellness Plus Program covers topics such as:

Healthy food choices and shopping

Whole food and weight control

Easy sprouting and wheat grass growing

Keep your heart healthy naturally

Strengthening your immune system

How to select good supplements

Green tea and your health

Anxiety and depression – food & mood

Qigong, Taiji and meditation

Body fat testing

Successful aging

Feng Shui for your home and workplace


Living healthy in a chemical world

Osteoporosis and joint health

Calcium & alternatives to dairy

Environment and your health

Avoiding Alzheimer’s

Inflammation & degenerative diseases

Natural alternatives to hormone replacement

Keeping your digestive system healthy – naturally


Exercise Classes & Programs

  • Stretching
    Look and feel younger and move easier. Don’t let your muscles be an obstacle. Stretching helps refresh lymph and venous circulation. We will learn the benefit of each stretch to help us understand its importance.
  • Pilates
    Pilates is known for core (center of gravity muscles) strength and support training. Strengthen your body and gain better balance. Dr. Demond will explain the benefits of each position.
  • Yoga and Beyond
    Gentle stretches and meditation to relax your mind and body as well as stretch and expand your muscles!

For class schedules, use Calendar Tab under Events & Programs in menu above or click here.

Natural Healing Workshops

The focus is on pure healing essential oils that are safe, have a great aroma, versatile and may help with many symptoms and to ease aches and pains.  What are they?  How do I use them?  To find the answers and learn more about these wonderful natural remedies come and visit us at our workshops presented by Shirley Rineer. Click here for schedule.

Mother Earth Store

Our store features natural whole foods and supplements, as well as handmade jewelry and crafts. We specialize in organic pearl jewelry and Feng Shui enhancers. For more information, use tab in menu above or click here.

Wellness Plus Stories

Read stories of inspiration and success about people who through the use of the Wellness Plus health and wellness program have restored themselves to true health without the use of drugs or surgery.

Their stories include dramatic weight loss, decreases in cholesterol, reversal and/or elimination of degenerative diseases such as type II diabetes, heart problems, cancers and more. Frequently, users of the Wellness Plus program have been able to discontinue the use of all or some medications. Click on the “Testimonials” tab above.

Delaware Bead Society

The “Bead Society” is an affiliate of Wellness Plus Delaware specializing in organic pearl jewelry and Feng Shui enhancers. The Bead Society meets monthly on Saturday afternoons. These meetings include jewelry making classes and the option to purchase pre-made jewelry.

Jewelry making classes require preregistration. To register, call Shirley at 302-999-7687 or Jane at 302-478-3782.

For more information about the “Delaware Bead Society’s” monthly activities see details under MONTHLY ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE above. .


We specialize in organic pearl jewelry and Feng Shui enhancers